Experimental hydrology and process monitoring in environmental systems

 Study course:
M. Sc. Civil Engineering, M. Sc. Geoecology, M. Sc. Resources Engineering
 Credit Points/ECTS:
6 (Civil Eng./Geoecol.) or 5 (Res. Eng.)

Learning outcomes

Students will gain in-depth knowledge of measuring principles and measurement devices for the observation of water fluxes and hydrological parameters or states at various scales (soil column, plot scale, hillslope scale, and catchment scale). They are ready to apply these methods in the lab or in the field. Students have a fundamental understanding of the problems associated with planning, execution and analysis of hydrological measurements, and will be able to estimate measurement errors.


Learning contents

Seminar and Tutorial

  • Literature on experimental designs in the field, scaling and measurement uncertainties
  • Measurement principles and devices for field and lab
  • Measurement errors, checking and correction of measurement data

Hydrologic field and lab course

  • Introduction to the geology, geomorphology and pedology of the study area, and their impact on hydrological processes
  • Discharge measurements using various methods (tracer dilution, velocity measurement)
  • Monitoring of hydrologic state variables in the soil (soil moisture, matric potential, hydraulic conductivity, groundwater level)
  • Soil sampling and lab measurements (soil moisture, hydraulic conductivity)
  • Infiltration and tracer experiments


Proof of performance

Active participation in the seminar, report and colloquium on the field and lab course



Dr.-Ing. Uwe Ehret; office hours: Thursday 11:30 – 13:00

Dr. Jan Wienhöfer; by appointment